News from around the Division and its Conclaves will appear here
and even when time expired, may still be viewed in the News Archive section.
Would all Conclave Recorders please convey any newsworthy items to the Divisional Recorder
on a regular basis – remember, this is very much YOUR webpage!
On Sunday 28 October 2012, the 1700th Anniversary of Emporer Constantine’s victory at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 was celebrated in the Church of St. Gabriel in North Acton, London.
The officiating Priest was R.Ill.Kt. Timothy L’Estrange, the Intendant-General of Thames Division
and R.Ill.Kt. Peter Fuchter, the Intendant-General of the Metropolitan Division read the Lesson
The Banners of Thames and Metropolitan Divisions were paraded into and out of the church during the service, together with the Banners of all Conclaves in those Divisions. As this was an open invitation, our Division took the opportunity to parade the new Banner of The Milvian Bridge Conclave No. 515, which had only been Consecrated on 11th October 2012. This was welcomed by Thames and Metropolitan Divisions and much reference was made to our Banner’s presence throughout the service. Knowing that the Banner of the oldest Conclave, “The Original and Premier Conclave TI”, was going to be present it was decided that we would take a photograph of Premier’s Banner along with that of our No. 515, the newest or latest Conclave
The photograph above shows The Milvian Bridge Conclave Banner carried by Kevin Todd, Marshal of the Conclave and that of Premier Conclave carried by Larry Peer, our Divisional Recorder, who is also one of its members.
As a result a very good day was had by the Sovereign of C515, Malcolm Lloyd with his wife Pat – accompanied on the day by Kevin and Julie Todd and Larry Peer.
The Milvian Bridge Conclave is now well and truly on the RCC ‘map’, not only in our Division but also further afield. The Conclave meets at the Andover Masonic Centre and full details are to be found within our dedicated section for Conclaves of the Division.